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ALBA II Colloquium logotype

The ALBA II Colloquium series is an open discussion forum in which our user community, ALBA staff, world experts in synchrotron research, and potential future users exchange experiences in their research, show the current frontier in synchrotron-based characterization, and discuss methods to understand the functionality of complex systems.

At the end of 2020, our funding agencies had instructed us to develop an upgrade plan for ALBA and its instrumentation, creating a facility able to support the community with state-of-the-art capabilities, necessary to tackle the grand challenges of the 21th century. By adjusting the current portfolio, modernizing the equipment, and pushing the ring performance to the 4th generation light source league and completing the suite of beamlines with brilliance driven instrumentation, we will create new methodologies to visualize the structure and dynamics of complex systems, building on multi-length scale imaging, coherence driven techniques, and big data driven analysis techniques.

To create an open discussion forum in which our user community, ALBA staff, world experts in synchrotron research, and potential future users exchange experiences in their research, show the current frontier in synchrotron-based characterization, and discuss methods to understand the functionality of complex systems, we initiate the ALBA II colloquium series.

In the biweekly series, we will invite experts around the world to present talks of 40 minutes length with additional 15 minutes discussion opportunity.  The talks will be publicly and online available and archived (with permission of the presenter). In addition, we will offer to the public audience the ability to discuss specific aspects in 1-to-1 meetings

In the name of ALBA, I would like to thank all the speakers and the audience for their contributions and efforts, and wish all participants a fruitful and enlightening colloquium.

Klaus Attenkofer, Scientific Director of ALBA 


Past events and video recordings