Coiling and twisting nanotubes: From fundamental nanoelectromechanics to nanocoils and nanogyros

Sou a: Inici / Actualitat / AGENDA / Esdeveniments Externs / Coiling and twisting nanotubes: From fundamental nanoelectromechanics to nanocoils and nanogyros
Prof. Ernesto Joselevich - Dept. Materials i Interfases, Institut Científic Weizmann, Rehovot, Israel
Jul 11, 2016
de 12:00 a 13:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)
Sala de Seminaris ICN2 (UAB)
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Carbon and inorganic nanotubes have unique mechanical and electronic properties, which make them attractive building blocks for nanoelectronic and nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS). This talk will focus on two different lines of research, one related to the formation and properties of carbon nanotube coils, and the other on the torsional behavior of carbon and inorganic nanotubes.

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