Oxide-based superconducting hybrids and nanostruct

Sou a: Inici / Actualitat / AGENDA / Esdeveniments Externs / Oxide-based superconducting hybrids and nanostruct
Dr. Javier E. Villegas. Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales & Université Paris Sub, France
Feb 24, 2015
de 15:30 a 16:30 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)
ICMAB Sala de Reunions
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I will summarize some of our recent work in the field of cuprate superconductors, with focus on two issues: i) hybrid systems that combine the superconductors (S) with ferroic (F) materials (ferromagnet, ferroelectrics) and ii) artificially nanostructured films. 

I will argue that both approaches offer many opportunities for amusing physics, and also for novel functionalities (maybe). This, on the one hand, because competing interactions at S/F interfaces yield physical properties which are often inexistent in nature. On the other hand, because the possibility to structure oxide materials at the truly nanoscale allows tailoring the macroscopic properties of these systems.

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